Yes. Numerint only only charges for the incremental work needed to export the files it hasn't already exported. For example, if you paid and exported the first quarter of 2024, and you return and request the first half of 2024; the system had already exported the first quarter and only charges for the second quarter*. You will go via the checkout to pay for the difference and receive a download of the first half of 2024. You could then repeat this every month or quarter, whatever suits you.

* Note that if you Disconnect in the meantime and choose options requesting Numerint to delete everything then you would be charged to re-export those periods again. But, in this example, if you have safely stored the download away you won't ask for the files from that period again.

Yes. Numerint only only charges for the incremental work needed to export the files it hasn't already exported. When you update the Filters to include the additional Xero types it calculates a price based on difference and after the checkout will being exporting the additional files.

* Note that if you Disconnect in the meantime and choose options requesting Numerint to delete everything then you would be charged to re-export those periods again. But, in this example, if you have safely stored the download away you won't ask for the same files again.

Yes, as long as you haven't used a Disconnect with an option to remove your data. It is common for people to backup and then re-run the backup after they've closed the period to get any late adjsutments and files.

If you manually disconnect your company (and you have paid for a backup), you will be given the option to select how long we hold onto your data. The disconnect options at the bottom of this page.

If you do not manually disconnect we will disconnect you after 2 weeks of inactivity and we won't delete your data for 365 days. However, please note that if your account remains inactive for one year, we will delete your data.

If you would like us to delete your data at point please contact us at info@numerint.com.

Note - Once we have deleted your data, you will have to pay to back it up again.

Any text editor, such as Notepad on Windows, can open and display the contents. You can use free tools like https://csviewer.com/ LibreOffice Calc or commercial software such as Microsoft Excel. These tools will allow you to filter and sort the columns of data and make it easier to work with.

In the CSV there are two columns to help you. The first column is titled “AttachmentFolder”. The ZIP file of attachments contains folders for each Xero type such as Invoices, Credit Notes, Quotes etc. Now you know which folder to look in. There is an adjacent column called “AttachmentFilenames”. This will help you find the file in the folder. Please note the column “HasAttachments” which indicates whether this item has attachments or not.

When you checkout using our Stripe integration (the payments system) you will be prompted for payment details including an email address to send an invoice. This will come from Stripe.

Sure. Email us at info@numerint.com using the email address you originally provided in the checkout and we will resend it.

The Xero item (transaction) will be represented by a single row in the CSV file. The “AttachmentFilenames” column will include multiple file names separated by a colon. For example: receipt_01.jpg : receipt_02.jpg.

Expenses within xero are handled as “Bills” and therefore all expense claims will be shown in the data under ACCPAY and the relevant attachments related to them will show in the attachment folder.

Generate Customer Invoice PDFs:

If you have attached anything to your Accounts Receivable (sales) invoices, then it will be exported. However, Xero doesn't retain the PDF invoices it generates when you create a sales invoice, but many people want PDFs of their sales invoices. This might be to ensure they can always re-send a copy to their customer should they request it.

Selecting this checkbox will instruct the export to generate a PDF for every sales invoice. This will increase the number of attachments which will be reflected in the quoted price. Note that any attachments that are already attached will still be exported.

The invoices checkbox must also be selected to Generate PDFs.

Generate Quote PDFs:

If you have attached anything to your Quotes, then it will be exported. However, Xero doesn't retain the PDF quotes it generates when you create a quote, but many people want PDFs of their quotes. This might be to ensure they can always re-send a copy to their customer should they request it.

Selecting this checkbox will instruct the export to generate a PDF for every quote. This will increase the number of attachments which will be reflected in the quoted price. Note that any attachments that are already attached will still be exported.

The quote checkbox must also be selected to Generate PDFs.

The filters allow you to customise your export. The first filter options allow you to choose which of the Xero types you want to export. For example, you could choose to export everything except Purchase Orders.

In addition to choosing which Xero types to include or exclude you can also choose the date range you wish to export. For example, you might have more than a decade of accounts held in Xero but only want the past financial year to support an audit. The dates are inclusive e.g. selecting May as the end month will retrieve attachments up to the 1st of June 00:00.

Once you have selected your filters, press the "Recalculate" button to calculate the new price.

First of all, purchase everything you want to export to benefit from the volume licensing. But after checkout, don't click the button to immediately start the backup. Instead click Backup on the top menu.

You can now select the data that you need most urgently by clicking on the "Filters" button and selecting the options that suite your needs (like backing up the last three months). If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact support: info@numerint.com.

Once the most urgent data has exported, you can adjust the Filters and click Backup again to now export the next most urgent tranche of files!

Option 1 - Instantly remove my data:

You are confident that you have completed your use of Numerint and have securely stored all the data you need.

Option 2 - Remove my data in 2 weeks:

You would like a grace period as you aren't 100% sure you have finished using Numerint.

Option 3 - Don't remove my data unless I am inactive for one year:

You want to continue using Numerint regularly to re-export your data without incurring additional charges for what you have already paid for. However, please note that if your account remains inactive for one year, we will delete your data.

Once your data has been deleted from Numerint, if you ever want it again, you will have to pay and re-export again.